Saturday, 29 October 2011

Bye-Bye England!


Four days (and too many tries to count) later, I’ve finally finished watching the film I started on Wednesday. Whilst packing. And running a load of washing. And printing various e-tickets and scans and itineraries. Point being, I watched it. If ever there was a time when I could say I totally relate to a film character, it has to be now. It’s been the busiest week of my life, but finally, I’m (almost) all set to go. I’m not sure if I’ll be back to blog as internet likes to play hide-and seek out in India (esp if you’re visiting and don’t have a space/place that is your own). SO for now, I’m going to leave you with a few pictures that summarise my week. It’s been crazy busy, but mad happy. I’m slightly apprehensive now that I’m actually going, but I know now that I have coming back to look forward to. Wishing you all a wonderful week filled with laughter, fun and rest.



That raspberry trifle cheesecake I told you about, remember?



Thursday, 27 October 2011

One of Those Days

Blehhhhhh what a day ey? What. A. Day. One of those when nothing seems to go right and all I can think of is how much this day hates me. I had the morning off work yet I was peeled out of bed at 6am (forgot that it’s Hindu New Year today, annual phone-family-you-didn’t-even-know-you-had day). An early start = time for packing you’d think? Only the heating system packed in earlier this week and British Gas chose today, of all days, to take over my bedroom in their endeavour to flush out the boiler. GREAT. Huffing, puffing and thumping up the stairs by this point *takes a deep breath* I tried to focus on the fact that I’d have hot water to wash my hair before leaving for university. Left the house to get cash, hair washed, blow-dried, shining and bouncy and guess what? Yeah. B***** f****** god**** rain. Reach into handbag for umbrella, realise it’s (probably quite smugly) sitting in my wardrobe where I stashed it away last night because my bag was just getting too ridiculously heavy (In all honestly, I might as well wheel around a suitcase to carry my paraphernalia most days, such is the severity of my problem). And just when I thought the tediousness had peaked, I arrived at the ATM to (re)realise some numpty had bulldozed it out on Saturday night so there wasn’t one anymore. Urghhhhh, what next?! I’ve absolutely had enough and I’m itching for the day to end - so I’ve resorted to hiding away in my favourite coffee house, with my favourite hot chocolate and a piece of cake (they have the “world’s greatest chocolate cake” on offer- I’m not kidding, that’s the name- but I’ve had enough disappointments for one day tbh so I settled for Raspberry Trifle Cheesecake instead.) Go away day.

It’s time for me to call it a day - to comfort eat and cuddle (not myself, my boyfriend, don’t worry) my way out of this state of self-pity. It’s Friday tomorrow. Pay Day. No Uni. A whole day to spend with the bf. And then I have this to look forward to (finally booked my hotel on Marine Drive). Say no more. Sal Mubarak to you guys and happy Friday in advance.



Tuesday, 25 October 2011

3 days to go...




Another day closer to departure, still no clothes in suitcase. Uh-oh. :o But I can be excused right seeing as it’s Diwali today and I’ve been working all week? Yerrrrr, I think so. I have the morning off work tomorrow so I’m convincing myself that I'm going to soldier through the packing and preparing instead of taking the chance to have a lazy morning in bed. Oh hell to the yes, of course I am. Absolutely most certainly.

Getting ready to go away is always a tad tedious - as though departure couldn't possibly come soon enough. But the rigour of my routine is making it all worthwhile - I'm gasping for breath and I'm grateful for this golden chance to escape for a short while. For now though, it’s time for me to collapse in bed for my Orange Wednesday fix (unfortunately not at the cinema :( ) I’m currently swinging between SJP’s “I Don’t Know How She Does It” (yes, I’m two-odd months behind time) and that Ryan Gosling movie, Drive. Might go for the latter purely for the eye candy. What say? ;) I’ll be back tomorrow but until then, here’s wishing all those celebrating a very Happy Diwali.


A Stolen Starbucks'


Sat in the Starbucks tucked away opposite St. Paul’s (stealing a sneaky coffee to stay awake for my next lecture, spying on the persisting protests, and generally world-watching), I have to say I'm feeling rather smug today. Pleased with myself that despite a bit of a mad-crazy schedule, I've held it together pretty well. Everything is finally falling into place - my visa is done, passport stamped and collected (if you've ever dealt with the Indian Embassy before, you'll know that this is no mean feat * sigh of relief*), gift shop-a-thon complete for various cousins, aunties, uncles, great aunties, great uncles etc (cosmetics, confectionery and English tea bags now constitute around 45 of my 46 kilo baggage allowance) and Mum and I have finished stocking the fridge, freezer and cupboards for when we're away (no, the men in our house don't cook, before you ask) *pause to catch breath*. I'm all set baby and really looking forward to 9pm on Saturday when I can literally do NOTHING. Haha, no clothes to iron, dishes to wash or rooms to hoover 40 000 feet in the air now ey?! I'm super excited for the quick getaway (I'm such a wannabe jet-setter me) but I'm also actually slightly anxious. I haven't been back for over two years now and a lot’s changed in those two years. I have changed in two years.

I'd better be off now, think I'm already five minutes late for my next lecture and I've still a ten minute walk to get there. Here's hoping you're having a pretty damn awesome Tuesday - today's picture, courtesy of Zizzi's (and of course the lovely bf who took me there for lunch) was definitely a flash of inspiration for me. I might just be back tomorrow with my first Orange Wednesday review in a long time - but til then, stay tuned, keep smiling and be good ;)


Monday, 24 October 2011

Sorry Blog, I've Missed You

It's been the most beautiful of weekends - bright, cool and fresh, the last of the diluted summer sun showing it's face before winter sets in. I'm sorry for the random AWOL (almost a week, I know!), it's just been a really busy one. I'm off to India on Saturday and in between getting the trip organised (visa, hotel, flights, trains), a troublesome uni workload that seems to double by the day and 5 back-to-back 5am starts last week, I haven't found even a spare second, let alone a spare little bit of energy. Yes, okay, okay, I'm new in a relationship too so obviously any "spare" time I do have on hand, I spend with him. Sorry blog. If it's any consolation, I've missed you. But I'm back now, with a little bit of a picture update, some captured moments that are testimony to a happiness that at the moment knows no bounds.

Pasta at Prezzo


Lazy Saturday morning book and brunch

Mini-golf-cookie-dough-ten-pin, the perfect Saturday afternoon.



After what feels like the most testing one year of my life, I feel like I've come away armed with everything I need to look at life in a new light. It took time to make the transition, yes, from devastated to determined, to look at pain with positivity, but I've done it. Most importantly, I've come to realise that really, we've no control whatsoever. So just let go, let life happen and be content with what you're dealt. I lost love and I found it again - when I least expected or wanted it, when I thought I needed to be alone. So here's to life, to love, and to lessons. Lessons that can only be learnt when we dare to make our own choices, whether right or wrong. Wishing you all a wonderful week - Happy Diwali to those celebrating, Happy Pay Day to those waiting (read counting down) and Happy Monday to everyone else...


Tuesday, 18 October 2011

A City Dream

For lack of words - read time - I’m going to leave you with more of a picture post today. As much as I love discovering new and random parts of London, I find I’m drawn to tracing some familiar paths time and time again. I'll use any pretext (yesterday being the need for an Indian visa) for a sneaky chance to explore and re-explore the city; yesterday was one of those days, a day so perfect its memory is almost like a dream.







We finished the day at Westfields Stratford - a place I believe that deserves a whole day, and post, of its own. For now though, it’s over and out.


Sunday, 16 October 2011

"I'll Have Three Orgasms Please"

I've been receiving an awful lot of lovely comments and compliments on here lately - and I'm not lying when I say that email notifications from Blogger (telling me someone has written on my blog) make me want to punch the air, ever so slightly, in satisfaction (yes, I'm a little bit sad) - because the fact that my random ramblings might have inspired any interest in anyone but myself or stirred even the slightest of emotion in another is genuinely a wonder to me. Those beautiful words of positivity and of encouragement mean a lot to me. So thank you, first and foremost, lovely readers and followers for your kindness and time. The particular words that pretty much summed up my current merry sense of fatigue were, "the best exhaustion is that of a full life." I couldn't say it better if I tried. I'm shattered but unbelievably happy after a very full week and, ironically, even fuller weekend. They say a picture is worth a thousand words - so here's a little snapshot into the weeks antics and ideas…






….which included...

…a new found love for Chiquito's Chimichangas - after years of playing it safe with a plain-jane Burrito, who'd have thought (extraordinarily greasy-sounding) deep-fried tortilla wraps could be so mouth-wateringly delicious?

…a first gift, my "cuddle monkey". There's a certain thrill, innocence and perhaps even sanctity about “firsts” - first date, first kiss, first gift…. so this, really, made my week.

…Johnny English. After all these years, Rowan Atkinson retains his rip-roaring ability to crease me up laughing with his facial expression alone - quite literally doubled over, gasping for breath, in hysterics. It's been a long while since I laughed so hard (that too in public, that embarrassing silent laughter that makes you look like you’re having a spasm) but despite initial reluctance to break my Orange Wednesday tradition, this one was more than worth it. Mr Bean’s inherent ability to transform from complete bum to absolutely brilliant within the space of a few seconds is, truly, priceless.

…discovery of the most lusciously delicious shot in the world. Off the record, between you and me, I asked the bartender for a "sweet shot" (classy, I know) and boy did I get sweet. He offered me an "orgasm" (no innuendo PLEASE), which would be caramel liqueur, a layer of Disaronno topped with creamy, yummy Baileys. Sweet, smooth and strong - 2 for 1 at The Slug and Lettuce is definitely going to be the end of me; considering I only started drinking in February I s'pose my attitude towards alcohol is on par with that of an underage drinker; I’m a kid in a candy store, curious to taste my way through everything and taste my way through fast. Looks like we may be at a stand-still for a while now though.

…and a little gallivanting around the kitchen following quite a long spell of AWOL. Cream, Cheese and Carbs, otherwise known as Potato Gratin, is most definitely comfort food at its absolute best, a wonderful family Sunday lunch, the best end to a beautiful weekend.

I'm set to start the next week, hopefully filled with as much laughter, as much positivity as the last. We often tend not to stop and think that time we spend dissatisfied, unhappy, is time that we will never have back. It is lost, wasted, because we chose not to make the best of the circumstance. So look for reasons to smile, not complain. Remember what's going right for you, not what's going wrong, and don't let tiny details ruin your whole day. Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead.


Friday, 14 October 2011

tfif (yes, f***)

So you get three hours sleep 'cause you have to be up at 4am for work, then you go to university, then because you’re a little bit crazy, you go out for dinner, dessert and drinks. Three days in a row. Hmm. Smart move Seema, smart move. I feel like I need a good 24 hour sleep to pull me outta this constant state of fatigue – today, I am quite literally dead to the world - only heading out for another casual night out on the town, y’know? It’s been a whirlwind of cannelloni’s and cocktails this week, films, friends, fun (mum, in case you're reading this, HOURS of studying as well, of course ;) ); the coming weekend looks set to be one of the better ones too; so I’m off to start mine. Here’s wishing you the best one ever. Happy Friday to you all – I’ll be back tomorrow.



Wednesday, 12 October 2011

A Change of Pace



I love Autumn - it’s my favourite season. Along with the changing colours and weather, there's a real shift in both momentum and mood too. From long lazy summer days we find ourselves suddenly in the midst of the pre-Christmas rush and bustle, with kids back to school and routine back in full-swing. My favourite thing about Autumn though, has to be the fact that I can wrap myself in gorgeous, comfortable, snuggly clothes at the same time as feeling the warm, watery October sun on my face. I've had a manic, but good start to my week; yesterday, full moon, known according to the Hindu calendar as Sharad Poonam, marked harvest festival - the completion of the nine night festival of Navratri. It's soon Diwali, then Halloween, followed by Guy Fawkes… and, finally, of course Christmas. My countdown is most definitely on, a countdown for late night shopping, mid-shopping hot chocolate stops, gift-buying and gift-wrapping and many-a-late-evening spent tucked away in one of London's cafes, watching the Autumn rush. Happy Wednesday to you all. xx

Monday, 10 October 2011

A Stolen Treat

Blink. And it's Monday already. Wait, Monday evening. So Monday morning blues are technically supposed to have come and gone already… but then why do I feel UTTERLY miserable? Well, as miserable as you can feel when you're actually pretty good in life. Just… weary. Worn out. Tired. TIRED! That's the word I was after. One day is just merging into the next, a constant flurry of activity and chores; the weekend was a blur of family, friends, introductions, formalities, pleasantries, dressing up and a very definitive void of sleep. Oh, did I add a painful 3.45am wake up this morning, just to top it off?

I'm almost ready to crash, just got about 2 hours worth of university work to complete, dinner to eat, hair to wash and a mountain of clothes to put away (grrrrr, don't you HATE it when you have "work-men" coming in, making it compulsory to get your delicates off the floor). :( Wish me luck. I have some photos and antics to share with you soon, so please stay tuned… until then, it's over and out. Have a wonderful week.



P.S. The only redeeming moment of my day - a stolen moment with the boyfriend for mid-morning dessert. Carluccio’s, in case you’re wondering.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Just a Quickie

Saturday: completion of another madly hectic, but lovely week; Lion King in 3D, 3 full afternoons at university, 4 cannellonis, 5 x 5am starts at work, innumerable dinner dates and a very indulgent chocolate fudge cake. I couldn’t complain if I tried... but I still look forward so much to having Sundays off - it feels almost like stolen time for me to spend with family and catch up on the relaxation I haven’t had time for all week. I can’t say I have an awful lot of time right now as I’m dressed up and ready to head out - but I wanted to check in and wish you all a wonderful weekend. I’ll be back tomorrow but for now, happy Saturday everybody. Keep smiling and be safe.





Thursday, 6 October 2011

An Apple A Day

Sitting typing this out on my 27 inch, state-of-the-art 2.7 GHz iMac, headphones in ear playing music from a 16 GB touch-screen iPod nano, and plans to purchase an iPad rolling over in my mind, I feel it would be very wrong of me to pretend I don’t want to make some mention for the man who is Steven Jobs - mastermind of Apple, the greatest innovator of our times. When I really sit and think about life before my iPod, I feel at loss for how I actually managed to keep all my music together, in one place, accessible at the touch of just one button. I’m an avid Apple fan, enamoured by the ingenuity of the design and the user-friendliness of rather forward technology. So naturally, I’m grateful to Jobs, and sad that he’s gone. But love or hate his inventions, either way it’s tough to find a man with such passion for his work, with such zest for his life. Some months ago, when I felt my life was at an absolute low (in hindsight, it really wasn’t) it was a quote of his that was my calling. And I think I remember sharing it with you too, a little later on, here. If nothing else, hats off to this man for his spirit, his passion, his determination to live life and live it to the full, no matter what. RIP Steve Jobs.



Monday, 3 October 2011

When Cannelloni Met Curry



Despite my mighty annoyance come Saturday morning when I woke up at 5.21am on my DAY OFF, in all, I had a pretty perfect weekend (no, not a cue to reach for the sick bucket). I'm glad to hear that today’s the last of this October heatwave madness though (let's face it, who can STAND being trapped indoors when it's 27 degrees outside?) and now we can revert to normality. Which will be raincoats and ever encroaching Christmas campaigns at the start of October thank you very much, not cool cocktails in pretty pub gardens.

The point of my post today though is not to boast. Nor to gloat. And neither to rant. I'm happy - you GET the point. Nope, today, I'm here to talk food. Now, if any of you lovely readers ever happen to have asked me anything of my favourite cuisine (naively expecting a one-word answer, alas), you'll know that I tend to find my self in a bit of a pickle. Ounce for ounce, I find it heard to believe that food can get any better than the creamy, luscious whole-hearted rounded-ness of a well cooked Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni. Risotto, Penne Arrabiata and Calzone are pretty close contenders for my "last meal on earth" crown too - in fact, I'd probably ask for them all (I mean I'm going to die anyway, so may as well die eating?) Yummy yum. I feel guilty admitting this, but I'd probably give up a curry for a cannelloni any day. Why guilty, I hear you ask. I mean it's not like I'm committed to Indian food or anything. Ah well, it's not just "Indian food" as you put it. It's 21 years of my mother's lovingly home-cooked food, vegetables spiced and tempered in ways taught to my mum by my grand mum, and to my grand mum by my great grand mum. It's family history at its absolute best, an amalgamation of culture and comfort, a very potent delineation of our ancestry, so how can I not feel guilty when I say I prefer Italian food? And so in this predicament of mine, my innate resolution is obviously not to choose one over the other (oh god no!), but to find a way to integrate the two. "One day I’ll have my own restaurant, Italian food with an Indian twist” were my exact words I think. And so, imagine my surprise (and disdain, someone had already stolen my business idea!) when a lovely someone whisked me off on Saturday to Blue Zenzer, Northwick Park. Located overlooking luscious, rolling green golf courses, it's safe to say that I was sold even before I set eyes on the menu. Then came the menu. As I fought back tears of both joy and confusion (where to start, what to eat?!) I revelled in the ingenious selection of Indian-Italian fusion dishes that stared me back. Paneer in a Creamy Red Pesto Sauce, Pizza Margherita Picante (just when I thought a Margherita couldn't get any better) and Spicy Mogo (cassava) in Pomodoro Sauce. Who'd have thought?

Topped off with a Melting Orange and Chocolate Pudding and THEN a large Cotton Candy Milkshake from Baskin Robbin's? Whoever said the way to man's heart is through his stomach said it all wrong. Because that's the way to a woman's.


Please visit Blue Zenzer, Playgolf Northwick Park, 280 Watford Road, London, HA1 3TZ

Saturday, 1 October 2011

The Last of The Summer




And it's October already… October. How did this happen? With the summer months officially over, the heatwave of the past days has done nothing but intensify my longing for the summer to start all over again. Would you say no to another week in paradise (otherwise known as Italy), frolicking in cool, crystal clear waters on hot, sunny afternoons? To balmy evenings sipping cocktails, long nights of partying, gossipping and giggling? To admission into the LSE, a second chance at happiness, and to rediscovering your zest for life? No, I didn't think so. I know I promised you a bit of a fill-post on Wednesday but following five consecutive 5am starts (4am wake ups :o) I was more than just a little tired. In truth I've had a dream run of a week, perhaps a little too packed to find the time and post here in peace. Knowing Orange Wednesday just wouldn't happen in between work, university and the rest of it, I spent last Sunday compensating; a slow (damn you M1 average speed cameras) drive up to MK, five friends, lots of laughs, a great movie and one massive world food buffet (OMG, this one warrants a whole post of it's own, so more next time!) - any better way to spend your day off? If you haven't seen Crazy Stupid Love, do so. If you don't like romantic comedy, convince yourself for the sake of Ryan Gosling - I can’t allow you to miss out on this eye-candy (or if you're a bit strange in your taste, like me, ooh and ahh over the cute, perfect dad-of-three Cal (Steve Carell)) Either way, just watch it. I whiled away Tuesday in search of Navratri supplies and good Chaat in Wembley (no, I didn’t fly off to India as that intricate sand-coloured carved stone building suggests - that’s actually a newly built temple on Ealing Road) and Wednesday tucked away in my favourite Cafe Nero after a good few hours of intensive retail therapy. Naturally, I mean, with it being payday and everything. Thursday was for cake on Oxford Street and Friday was for the most beautiful evening I’ve spent in a long time: shopping at Brent Cross, Cannelloni at Pizza Express, a long drive and midnight McDonald’s.

I'm still ridiculously happy (yeah, don't worry, I'm starting to make myself feel a little sick too) and really excited for my weekend off. A ton of reading to be done? Yes. A load of chores to catch up on? Yes. But the most ridiculously beautiful weather we’ve probably had all summer long? Yes again. Sorry Globalisation of World Politics, I’m going to have to save you for another day. I hope you have a brilliant weekend whatever it is you’re up to - if you’re feeling low, let the sunshine work its magic, and if you’re tied up working, just call in sick ;) Happy Saturday!



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