Monday, 30 April 2012
A Wedding Tear
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Saturday, 21 April 2012
A YO! Sushi Virgin
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Recipe: Cheese on Toast (?!)
*Disclaimer - this article contains reference to romantic ideals and soppy boyfriends. Easy access to a sick bucket is recommended, cynics are advised to steer clear. The writer takes no responsibility whatsoever for any individual’s disgust at her lovesickness. Thank you.
I remember when I was younger, boys were still nothing but an annoyance, and mum would work tirelessly in the kitchen, I'd announce, completely self-assured, that I’d only ever marry if we found a man that would do all the cooking. And of course the cleaning that ensued. Maybe some (read all) of the ironing. He’d always remember to put the toilet seat down, pull out the bins for collection and of course pick up his smelly socks the morning after. You know that mental check-list we all have? He’d have to be rich, romantic, resourceful, ravishing...I think you catch my drift. Some 15 years later, here I am. I’m not going to lie, I have the most loving of boyfriends; but as long as we’re going down the ‘not lying’ route, I’d have to confess that his culinary skills stretch as far as...well, toast, really. So that would be jam on toast, cheese on toast, beans on toast and... did I mention just regular toast as well? Yeah.
Now, whilst my carb intake has spiked sharply as a result, I have to say, he really does know how to put sparkle into the simple. Did you know that cheese on toast could ever look this good?! It’s the ultimate comfort food, and what’s more, for what it is, bread and cheese, it’s rather versatile. Pasata and mozzarella = Italian, olives + feta = Greek, tomatoes + chedder = British whilst addition of chilli sauce or green chillis gives it a spicy Asian twist. Who’d have known?! I’m hooked - so I think it’s safe to say his cheese on toast-ing skills keep him on my right side... ;) does this cheesy crisp (/heart attack on a plate) concoction...
...and the cutest presents he buys me following a fight...Nawwww.
Monday, 16 April 2012
Some London Love
I think it would be fair to describe myself as a walker, for I can walk mile after mile after endless mile, happily, tirelessly (ask the boyfriend if you don't believe me). I don't know if it's the fresh air, or the steady, rhythmic thump of my shoes in time with the (almost ever-present) music blasting from my earphones, but it's a stress reliever of the best sort. But even for someone like me, habitual walker, maybe even addicted walker, there are times when it's just a no no. Example. If EVER there was a time I might say no, it would be 8am on a drizzly Sunday morning, the day after a family wedding and sleepless night, when the underground is buggered, London Midlands has closed itself down and most places in London have to be bussed or walked to. Did I add that I had the option to remain curled up, warm and snug, under the covers watching Sunday morning TV?
But guess what this crazy walker found herself doing first thing on that same drizzly Sunday morning? Yup, you guessed it. Gallivanting through London. Two motivating factors: 1. Sushi date with best friend. 2. Sushi date with best friend.
And it's just as well 'cause the tubes were empty, footpaths deserted, parks empty and before long, sunny too. Turns out closure of the district and circle lines was a blessing in disguise, because the walk from Sloane Square to Knightsbridge (spent peering tentatively at the £3984497464803 handbags in the designer stores) and then to Hyde Park Corner and into Hyde Park is probably one of the nicest I've ever taken. It's hard to imagine a city that's heaving almost all the time (and even by 11 on Sunday) can ever be so serene, especially by daylight. It's even harder to fathom such secluded, exclusive homes and parks, tucked away out of sight just a stones throw from the bustling tourist spots. Most of the time it's as if London's too busy to remember how beautiful it actually is.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Wedding Bells
I haven't been to many weddings in my time if I’m absolutely honest. Let's face it, as a child you’re dragged along for hour upon tedious hour of pleasantries and cheek-pinching, shown off and handed around like a piece of meat, prodded and tickled, ridiculed and teased. So that by the time you're a teen, you put your foot down and refuse to take the incessant maltreatment any more (your old aunty - “Oh my, look how you’ve grown” - only you haven’t, just that her memory fails her since you turned 6). However, by the time you hit 21, if you're a bit of a soppy romantic like me, there’s something almost magical about two people who you know and care about, promising to love and to cherish each other every day for the rest of their lives *brushes aside wedding tear*. Here are a few of my favourite pictures from my boyfriend's brother’s wedding on Saturday - the second event of very many more to come.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
It's been a strange week - one of the strangest yet. One filled with rows and remorse as well as success and celebrations. We have a wedding in the family, with festivities kicking off last Saturday with a bang…. and pretty much continuing through 'til April 29th (yup, you heard, a full three weeks!). Add to that three important birthdays, numerous job interviews and the stress that is exams (three weeks *panic attack**passes out*)…it's fair to say that sometimes, it's hard to keep your hair on. Ah well. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
What Seema Did
Exam lock-down has commenced. And while days out are on the wane, I get the feeling cheeky nights out (and in) are going to be on the rise. Girl’s gotta do something to keep her head on, right? So this week, I have some recipes, some recommendations and above all that, some rants for you. Stay tuned.
Friday, 6 April 2012
Good Friday
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
A Week Of...
2. ...Tesco's white chocolate celebration cake. Occasion: Dad's Birthday. Cost: £10. Taste: Priceless. Proof: Little cake-ogling girl at the next table (don't worry, we did give her a piece).
3. ...developing new television interests to stave off revision. The Apprentice anyone?