Wednesday, 16 October 2013

My First "Make-it"

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You may (or may not) have noticed a few new/changed tabs along the top of the page. It's because, on the whole, I'm rather a cook-y, craft-y, creative type of person and more than buying stuff, I actually enjoy making it. So welcome to the "makes page"! I'm also going through a bit of a "waste not want not" phase (more to come on this) and so I decided it's high time I shared some little things I get up to just to keep the imagination going. 

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What you'll need: 

1 unwanted vessel, be is glass or tin.
Fabric glue
Ribbon or fabric of choice
Sequins, bells, glitter - whatever does it for u?!

I refuse to provide instructions - just one guider - how boring are plain glass vases?! 

Rather pretty when the vase complements the colour of the flowers, no? 

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On another note, I've had rather a few people ask why I stopped my random "thought of the day quotes"! Sorry! So...  for all of u who you want to catch up with what caught MY eye, here it is - pictures, words, and quotes I'm so addicted to.

Happy making! SL x

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Yes, I Just Discovered Audrey!

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When I first moved in with my flatmate and she told me she absolutely loved Audrey Hepburn, I'm ashamed, I repeat ashamed when the name did nothing but very softly ring a bell - something about a famous actress, y'know? She was mortified, and I mean positively mortified at a) my lack of knowledge and b) my lack of love. And so we resolved to buying a Hepburn box set and working our way through one girl's night in. 

Though that plan fell through, when we parted ways I did hang onto the set as H said she'd seem them all already. Just as well 'cause it's come in handy this grim & grey, dreary & drizzly weekend when I've done nothing but snuggle, sniffle, watch Strictly and then Sabrina. Followed by Roman Holiday. And then, of course, Breakfast at Tiffany's. 

I'm miffed by what I was missing. I know, 52 years after release, it's hardly newsworthy stuff... but Miss Holly Golightly - have you ever seen a girl so flakey hidden beneath a woman so elegant? Sipping whiskey and smoking never has, probably never will, look quite so sophisticated. 

I'm in love!

SL x

Friday, 11 October 2013

Thursday, 10 October 2013


So I've been harping on and on about this festival - but I figured the most well known of the hindu festivals are Holi and Diwali... so, in good time, here's just the video that sums up the 'garba' dance that goes on for the nine nights of Navratri, Slightly Bollywood (did you guess?!) but it really catches what I love most about this festival - the beat, the colour and costume and above all, the zest and dedication with which it's celebrated. 

SL x

P.S. Don't worry about the scary lady at the end. She's just a bit... odd. :/

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Rome: Day #2

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So I thought I'd make a one-post compilation of days 2 & 3 in Rome - FAIL. I took far (far, far, faaaaaaaar) too many pictures because left, right & centre, there was always something I wanted to capture. With rather a lot of difficulty, I managed to whittle down my photos to a meagre errrr.... 20 for day 2. Now, incase you missed it, I went to Rome. And I loved it. Enough to chatter on about gelato. And on and on about pizza. And still be going on about it now

Day #2 was Mission Vatican. I swear we would have walked but as we overdid it a little the previous afternoon (there's too much Rome, too little time!), we took the hotel manager's advice to 'subway' it. I refer you on to the map of Rome before you judge us for chickening out - it is far! When he handed us the map, I did have to turn it over and around a few times just to check we hadn't been given half the story - its simplicity ('A' and 'B'!?!?!) is shocking when London is what you're used to. We jumped on at Piramide, changed at Termini, tried (but failed) to people-watch inconspicuously and arrived, at Ottaviano, 40 minutes, a heat-stroke and one complete make-up meltdown later. Totally worth it. 

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We proceeded to Castel Sant'Angelo for views over the Tiber and St Peter's Basilica before crossing the bridge (Ponte Sant'Angelo) you see above to meander our way through the cobbled streets back to the city centre and, of course, The Trevi Fountain. Majestic. Just majestic. 

SL x


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