Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Hey, It's Me

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Wowzers, that was an AWOL and a half, what was that all about? Pretty inexcusable considering we've all spent more than a few days snowed in (or snowed out if you're one of the unlucky ones ha!) and I've had more than a little free time cocooned indoors. Well, what can I say - this lazy girl's been having an affair with her bed, iMac and clearly, the delivery boy from the Indian down the road. Nice.

I have Hershey's to hand (holiday present from the States), two years worth of Bollywood catch up and a lot of take out boxes that probably need to see a bin sometime soon. I'm on it though and I'll be around now - for more babble and more giggles. Stay tuned. 


P.S. If you live close by, it's one guuuuud take out. Try it. 

Thursday, 10 January 2013

a Contained Cupcake


Cupcakes, cakepops - they're all the rage right now aren't they? You only need to look around at the cupcakeries popping up here, there & everywhere to work that out. Now, that I am a cupcake fiend (well, just a cake fiend really) has been discussed and documented here with full transparency. Look, here. Here. And here. So you can imagine my utter delight when the flatmate brought home something even more quaint, even more cute than a stand alone cupcake. Yup, a cupcake in jar. Who'd have thought. 

Somebody tell me why oh why these aren't more common? 


g desserts - cupcakes in a jar. 

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Currently Crushing On...




1. Yuuuuuuus, it's been out 2 months. 2 whole months that I waited to see this. A little heads up though? Catching the late show of an old movie = COMPLETELY deserted screen = freedom to wolf-whistle every time he removes his shirt.

2. Don't judge, I needed some comfort following conclusion of GG. The girly girl, chick-flick loving person I am, I figured why not find out what I missed before the movies happened. Word of warning - gives rise to MANY questions inappropriate for discussion here. 

3. Full on 80's style action flick. Forgettable but not missable as it's entertainment from start to end. 

4. Finally a trip to India in the pipelines. More later.


Saturday, 5 January 2013

Christmas in Covent Garden

Somebody tell me why this was left until January 4th before being done? Very tempted to celebrate Christmas all over again tomorrow ;). Got some movies to tell you about, perhaps some reviews and an absolute bucket load of recipes. Stay tuned.



Friday, 4 January 2013

Top 5 in 2012

With 2012 less than 12 hours away in most parts of the world  With New Year's done and dusted, all things Christmassy packed up and put away, I thought it might be a little fun to recap on some of my, and your, favourite diary moments of 2012. 

1. My First Time... at Yo! Shushi (what were you thinking?!)


2. The day the Instagram bug bit.


3. A quick trip to Amsterdam


4. Putting together a full Indian


Aaaand 5, Numerous Trips to WW.

Do you agree? Belated, but Happy New Year to you all. 



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