Wednesday, 24 April 2013
sl Days Out: Alchemy at the Southbank
Days Out,
Eating Out,
Going Out,
I Really Love,
Street Food
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
We're Rebranding...
Monday, 22 April 2013
The London Marathon
The snaking marathon could be clearly seen from the Southbank Centre... perhaps not so clearly in this picture though.
That I've gotten to the rather ripe age of errr... 21 (shut up) now and never braved London on Marathon Sunday is something, as I realised yesterday, I'm not really proud of. And neither, I realised too, did "staying in" all those years pay off particularly. Don't get me wrong, my fitness is appalling to the extent I'd probably collapse half-way through the warm up - so I do have colossal admiration for the thousands so very much more dedicated than I am. But it's just...well I guess I've always just chosen to send good wishes & heartiest congratulations telepathically you see. Let me explain.
In the few days preceding the event, I've always felt an aura of anticipation is 'created' of what is to befall the city - "Half a million enthusiastic supporters will line the streets of London", "And now for the travel news, viewers are reminded that there will be station closures...", "Those taking part in the marathon can expect unseasonably warm temperatures..." Now. Let's be honest. It's pretty easy for such...erm, persistent updates to conjure images of being squashed and piled on overflowing platforms, waiting for already crowded, heaving trains. And that's even before you're squished and packed into one like a tinned sardine - under a bloke's sweaty armpit if you're really unlucky, it is unseasonably warm remember? - only to get out the other side and find pushing and shoving is the name of the game (Sorry if this sounds horrifically similar to your daily journey home).
Well, the marathon sure put me in my place yesterday. And though I do have to hold my hands up that we didn't actually go for purposes of watching it (more on that tomorrow) I saw London in a light that is wholly absent on the dreary, routine work commute each morning. There was euphoria, excitement and easiness. Was there commotion? Yes. But chaos? No. Was I in awe? Yes. But overwhelmed? No.
Were you watching?
That I've gotten to the rather ripe age of errr... 21 (shut up) now and never braved London on Marathon Sunday is something, as I realised yesterday, I'm not really proud of. And neither, I realised too, did "staying in" all those years pay off particularly. Don't get me wrong, my fitness is appalling to the extent I'd probably collapse half-way through the warm up - so I do have colossal admiration for the thousands so very much more dedicated than I am. But it's just...well I guess I've always just chosen to send good wishes & heartiest congratulations telepathically you see. Let me explain.
In the few days preceding the event, I've always felt an aura of anticipation is 'created' of what is to befall the city - "Half a million enthusiastic supporters will line the streets of London", "And now for the travel news, viewers are reminded that there will be station closures...", "Those taking part in the marathon can expect unseasonably warm temperatures..." Now. Let's be honest. It's pretty easy for such...erm, persistent updates to conjure images of being squashed and piled on overflowing platforms, waiting for already crowded, heaving trains. And that's even before you're squished and packed into one like a tinned sardine - under a bloke's sweaty armpit if you're really unlucky, it is unseasonably warm remember? - only to get out the other side and find pushing and shoving is the name of the game (Sorry if this sounds horrifically similar to your daily journey home).
Well, the marathon sure put me in my place yesterday. And though I do have to hold my hands up that we didn't actually go for purposes of watching it (more on that tomorrow) I saw London in a light that is wholly absent on the dreary, routine work commute each morning. There was euphoria, excitement and easiness. Was there commotion? Yes. But chaos? No. Was I in awe? Yes. But overwhelmed? No.
Were you watching?
Sunday, 21 April 2013
The Missing Week, in Instagrams*
*... of food, of course.
Busy Times,
Days Out,
Eating Out,
Street Food
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Spring, at Last !
Another week, another AWOL... and as you probably anticipated, another apology! Sowie with cream cheese icing and a cherry on top :(. Other than the same ol' "been there, heard those" excuses (y'know the ones I mean - work, university, exams, chores blahhhh....) I have few weapons for my self defence. BUT. LUCKILY. My stats have been telling some comforting secrets aaaaaand *wipes sweat from forehead, breathes sigh of relief* I see many of you still haven't given up hope that I'm always gonna bounce back bright-eyed and bushy-tailed just for you (Why thank you!) SO. Here I am again, ready to rock 'n' roll chit-chatter 'til I'm pouring out of your ears.
Stay tuned. G'weekend to y'all.
Saturday, 13 April 2013
A Museum I Missed
Friday, 12 April 2013
Food: White Cross Street Market

If you live or work near the Barbican then you’ll probably know all about Whitecross Street Food Market - personally, it was something of a revelation a few summers ago... but it's come to be a bit of a go-to lately. It's fabulous, fresh and filling food for well under a fiver be it Thai, Mexican, Indian, Italian, Brazilian, Chinese or the traditional Friday fish & chips. Pie and mash, soups and sandwiches, salads, falafal, or maybe you fancy a curry? It’s all there and then some. Every day (though there is by far a lot more choice Thursday-Friday) from about 11 to 3, trucks + stalls boasting authentic, freshly prepared & lip-lickingly delicious cuisine from all around the world line this otherwise non-descript EC1 street, transforming it into an aromatic wonderland for foodies. It makes for a captivating atmosphere too, almost carnival-like, a vibrant, bustling melting pot of suit-clad city workers, many clearly regulars, tourists + food lovers.
Of the tried and tasted, I'd award first prize to possibly the most delicious Kachori Chaat known to mankind (outside of the homeland of course), a bowl full of steaming hot vegetable jalfrezi served with made-as-you-wait chappatis coming in a close second. The Vietnamese vegetable dumplings are worthy contenders (cheap as chips, literally, £1.50 for 4!) and while we're talking chips, this market certainly knows how to serve 'em crispy, crunchy and piping hot. I'm yet to try something Mexican at the Luardo's van (the queue's always too long by the time I get there - indicator, perhaps, that it's one of the better eats?) but I'm happily going to bumble my way through the stalls one by one.. of course for the pure and selfless reason of reporting my findings back to you...
Visit Whitecross Street Market, Whitecross Street, Barbican, EC1 Monday-Friday 11am onwards.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
g.i Joe: A Newfound Woe?
So. The other day. We rocked up at the cinema to watch Django Unchained. Only to find, of course, that we'd left it just a liiiiiitle too late (3 months, to be precise) and shows were really rather few and far between. Our options there and then - G.I. Joe, Spring Breakers, G.I. Joe 3D. A scratch of the head, a stroke of the chin & a quick read of some reviews... and G.I. Joe it was. I KNOW, *shock, horror*, I'm supposed to be the rom-com-chick-flick-gal and this is something I wouldn't have been caught dead watching - not even for free on TV (while we're at it we can throw Sci-Fi + Super Heroes into that category too). G.I Joe? Really....? I hear ya, BUT. Stop. Wait. Don't jump to conclusions for there is a 'but'.
'Don't knock it 'til you've tried it' is the approach that's always worked for me. Now, in my family, for some unbeknowest or potentially non-existent reason there is a huge adversity to films of the aforementioned genres. So I guess I never really got into them. Superman, Spiderman, Batman, The Matrix, Star Wars.... naaaaaaahhhh *change the channel*. It's said though that you can discover a lot about yourself through new challenges and adventures (okay, okay, this wasn't exactly either of those... but it was 'foreign territory' of sorts). And here's the thing. What I've learnt whilst watching films and subsequently blogging about them - time to confess.
'Don't knock it 'til you've tried it' is the approach that's always worked for me. Now, in my family, for some unbeknowest or potentially non-existent reason there is a huge adversity to films of the aforementioned genres. So I guess I never really got into them. Superman, Spiderman, Batman, The Matrix, Star Wars.... naaaaaaahhhh *change the channel*. It's said though that you can discover a lot about yourself through new challenges and adventures (okay, okay, this wasn't exactly either of those... but it was 'foreign territory' of sorts). And here's the thing. What I've learnt whilst watching films and subsequently blogging about them - time to confess.
1. I've come enjoy more than the odd Bond every so often in terms of good, slick, action packed entertainment - read here, you'll understand. (I'm sort of coming round to the idea of Super Heroes too...but...don't tell anyone, shhhhhhhh.)
2. I would make, quite possibly, the worst film critic in the history of the whole entire world, like EVER. Lets put it this way - I seem to like something about everything so there's nothing bad to say about anything - I'm simply far too easily amused! Oh dear.
Thus, I hereby scrap my claim that I post condemning & critical film reviews - pahhh, who'm'I kidding? All you'll find here are reasons to give every film a chance... lest you miss out! Back to G.I.Joe - here are your reasons ;)
1. Rip-roaring action & mind-blowing explosions delivered by tough, beefy stars...
2...The Rock
3...& Bruce Willis...
4...& if they don't do it for you, a token hot chick too...
5...and finally entertainment that doesn't require you have your thinking cap on - mindless, escapist and fun.
Give it go - it supposedly kicks the first one's booty (not that I had any idea there was a first).
Thus, I hereby scrap my claim that I post condemning & critical film reviews - pahhh, who'm'I kidding? All you'll find here are reasons to give every film a chance... lest you miss out! Back to G.I.Joe - here are your reasons ;)
1. Rip-roaring action & mind-blowing explosions delivered by tough, beefy stars...
2...The Rock
3...& Bruce Willis...
4...& if they don't do it for you, a token hot chick too...
5...and finally entertainment that doesn't require you have your thinking cap on - mindless, escapist and fun.
Give it go - it supposedly kicks the first one's booty (not that I had any idea there was a first).
Monday, 8 April 2013
Easter Brunches - the Full and Final
Sunday, 7 April 2013
Lounging at The Grove
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Celebrating a 60th
As someone who's always had her birthday on a Bank Holiday (thankfully the date we celebrate Christmas doesn't vary year on year!), I've never really known what it is to spend a birthday in the flow of day to day routine. I've only ever had to work once on the 25th in my whole, entire life (unfortunately the big 21) but I know I've always thought myself lucky to be with friends and family and mark it as a day different from any other.
And so it was a great deal of both relief and excitement that we brought in a very special birthday this Easter Weekend (no, not mine, I'm not that old yet), with plenty of time, food and fortunately sunshine to celebrate it with. As birthdays go in our family, we're all about chilled out rather than charged up, pyjama parties over ostentatious affairs - here's how we indulged Papa Bear on his special day.
And so it was a great deal of both relief and excitement that we brought in a very special birthday this Easter Weekend (no, not mine, I'm not that old yet), with plenty of time, food and fortunately sunshine to celebrate it with. As birthdays go in our family, we're all about chilled out rather than charged up, pyjama parties over ostentatious affairs - here's how we indulged Papa Bear on his special day.
1. Presents + balloons (you're never too old for balloons).
2. Birthday Brunch (also Easter Brunch No 3) - Spicy Red Pepper Frittata.
3. ...a very brief cessation before sitting down to a home-cooked full Indian thali.
4. There's got to be birthday cake. I know what you're thinking... how on EARTH did we have room? We can always accommodate ;) White chocolate & Peach Gateaux - recipe to follow.
5. Following a sloth fuelled seven star snooze, some games and a round of bowling (proud to admit I lost just one game).
6. And finally, early evening drinks at The Grove Mansion Lounges.
Ahhh, why do birthdays go by quickly?
I'll be back with recipes and some reviews so stay tuned - 'til then, good luck beating those Tuesday Blues.
Ahhh, why do birthdays go by quickly?
I'll be back with recipes and some reviews so stay tuned - 'til then, good luck beating those Tuesday Blues.
Monday, 1 April 2013
Easter Brunches, Part 2: A Mexican Scramble
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