Sunday, 28 September 2014

Late Summer Sunshine...

Days getting shorter, mornings nippier and leaves brighter - it can only mean one thing... it's time to welcome the Autumn. That's gingerbread lattes, trick or treating, Winter Wonderland, cozy fires, woollen scarves, warm coats, golden trees, red noses, Strictly Come Dancing, seeing your own breath.... and of course the Christmas Countdown. Here's hoping you've enjoyed September's last golden weekend. 

SL xx

Friday, 31 January 2014

Happy New... February?

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To say it's been a while would probably constitute a lie. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you've forgotten me. It's been an era, and then some (or so it seems) since the last time I looked at this web space, let alone contemplate writing in it. So let's start at the start shall we? First off, Happy 2014 (haha, I can hear you, YES I am a month late) and here's hoping you've had a great start. Secondly, why did I cease to post here? Well... I didn't really have anything interesting to tell you to be honest. Then why are you back, I hear you ask? AHA. See, aside from lazing, grazing and dozing, blogging is one of my favourite pastimes. I missed it. And so here I am again, to start again. 

Stay tuned. 

SL xx 


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