Bank holiday number two is upon us - unfortunately not as hot as the last but not half bad either so I hope you’re taking advantage of it and enjoying whatever it is you’re up to. Strictly speaking my weekend finishes today, but I’m not complaining as I’ve had quite a relaxing few days. One spent with friends and one with family, not a bad deal eh? My life's been through some massive changes the past few months; shattered dreams hurt like anything and it can be difficult to retain a positive outlook but friends and family make it that little bit easier by picking you up and pushing you to go on when you’re at your lowest. Home-made macaroni cheese, crisped up and browned on top, oozing melted cheese in the middle, spoonful by spoonful, works wonders in healing a broken heart... so thank you Rob.
I always find that lying awake in bed at the most anti-social of hours, unable to sleep, is when the mind is at its raciest premium, ticking away like a time bomb. So last night I found myself most unexpectedly pondering how it might have felt to be Kate Middleton, spending her last night as an unmarried woman. What would be going through her mind, anxiety and fear, or anticipation and excitement? Perhaps just contentment, knowing that a life with the man she loves awaits or possibly a stomach in knots at the thought of so many eyes upon her as she walks down the aisle towards a new life.
The ceremony was beyond anything words can describe, larger than life in both sentiment and grandeur; it appeals to some deeply embedded values about love and romance, a real-world epitome of the princess fairytale that we’re force-fed from childhood; one that is so compelling though, that we’re able to ignore mass atrocities worldwide to make it the top story on every news channel. So, despite my dislike of the OTT media hype, here are the highlights of the occasion in my opinion.
1) The vows. A promise to “love, comfort, honour and keep...forsaking all other” perfectly summed up what’s needed to build a secure, stable marriage.
2) Absence of a pre-nup, reflecting William’s intention to keep this woman in his life for life.
3) Pippa Middleton. She’s quite the catch now isn’t she? Looking absolutely stunning in her simple white gown, which she dressed up with her radiant smile and innate elegance, she garnered a lot of media and public attention, making this hottie one to look out for.
I hope now that we (hint*the media*hint) have had our fill of royal hysteria, the couple will be allowed a peaceful and private honeymoon together – and that we can switch on our TVs and radios again with some hope of hearing the normal news lol! It's been another day of lazing today, interwoven with snatches of revision, chores and an impromptu shopping trip to the Harlequin with mum. I found the cuuuuutest Eeyore mug in the Disney store (where else?!), Thornton's Easter eggs at clearance prices (SCORE) and a book I’ve wanted to read for quite some time – at least when I can’t sleep again tonight I'll have something better to do with myself :D Have a great weekend y’all.

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