Thursday, 12 May 2011

One Way Or Another

So, if you’ve scrutinised my blog a little more closely of late you’ve probably noticed the sudden appearance of random little features around the place, for example the WeHeartIt widget on the right hand side. Now, I'm not usually one to mindlessly spend hours online subscribing myself to as many free-time guzzling, social-life embezzling websites as is humanly possible, but neither can I deny that they are enjoying a newly elevated attractiveness in the face of impending exams. This particular little gem, WeHeartIt, is rather good. Effectively you go there and compile your own gallery of photos, pictures and images that inspire, amaze, capture, engage etc. (Yes, I hear you, I need to get a life). But then I am a bit of a hoarder really, there’s nothing I love more than sitting myself on my cushioned floor, sorting through and pouring over old photographs and scrapbooking or collecting quotes that articulate a moment more beautifully than I’d ever muster. So this website is really a bit of a godsend for me. All said and done, I think it’s really time I stop dragging my feet and get the hell on with “real” life.

I’ve really had it though with these ominous little 'R' words (namely routine and revision) that pop up all the time so I decided to deviate slightly from my (not at all) rigorous study plan today. And off I ambled back into the arms of my very oldest lover, London of course. My brother dropped me into Watford and I took a quick wander through the Harlequin Centre on my way to the bank. Walked by my old work place, Clas Ohlson (always triggers a little something in my heart – melancholy memories of some happy times gone by crossed with a strange sense of loyalty) and also passed some very merry Hare Krishna devotees distributing 'prasad' on the high street. They were making quite the racket with their chanting and dancing - but you gotta love ‘em because it takes guts to express yourself without giving a toss that others may think you’re borderline crazy. Good stuff.

I guess you probably think I’m a little crazy myself, taking the train into the city without particular reason. Aha well you’re wrong you see, because mission there was. I had a interviewy meeting at Somerset House with a small organisation called Mindapples. I’m not going to waffle on too much because their website is a rather good one for you to have a quick look around yourself but what I can say is that I’m looking forward to getting involved (if they’ll have me that is) over summer. It surprises me that such a simple concept was born so recently because in hindsight it seems pretty obvious that a healthy mind takes some maintenance, just as a healthy body (balanced diet, exercise, 8 hours sleep) or healthy teeth (brushing twice daily, limiting intake of sugary foods, bi-annual trips to the dentist) do.

Somerset House rather took my breath away – I never really realised it was so vast, or... well, spectacular really! It reminded me a little of Kulturhuset in Stockholm that I visited with Cris. I will definitely be going back there with a little more time to check in on the various art exhibitions and cultural shows that seem to be going on. Of course once I was in London I wasn’t exactly going to rush back now was I (almost £14 to get in, makes sense to stick around for a bit!) so I took the liberty of chilling with a coffee in hand at Victoria Embankment Gardens, Temple...

Strolling across Waterloo Bridge to admire the sights along the glittering Thames...

...and totally spontaneously showing up in Sloane Square to have a nosy around the (highly unaffordable designer) boutiques before heading up to Edgware for a short while to catch up with some family. It’s been a good day in all and once again the city hasn’t failed to lift my slightly sagging spirit. Sunshine makes London glitter like no other, the mellow rays illuminating the tops of buildings like a thick layer of golden icing. It’s really a vision.

I’ve had to make some tough decisions over the past month and though we can never “plan” how life will and won’t be, it’s vitally important to have 100% faith in your own choices so as to find the courage to face the consequences somewhere down the line. It’s not easy standing up for what you genuinely believe is right for you, without at least one person questioning or accusing. But we only live once and can’t possibly please everybody all of the time. A year and a half is a long time to spend with a man – it provides enough time to revel in the excitement when things are new and wonderful, but also to assess long term compatibility. It’s been really tough to go from seeing some-one every day for a year to not seeing them for the better part of three months. But when the other person doesn’t feel the same way, I know now, that running after them is like climbing aboard a sinking ship. It just cannot bring happiness.


P.S. There’s no particular justification for the random rainbow cake at the end except that I like it really (goes to show I'd never have known what I'm missing had it not been for WeHeartIt).

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