Hellooo hellooo hellooo... sorry it’s been a few days - I didn’t even realise how the past few days flew by in a flash; a sweet slur of shopping dates, dinner dates, coffee dates, lazy mornings in bed and balmy (albeit slightly wet) summer evenings cooking and unwinding. I’ve finally got back some semblance of a social life and started spending quality time with people I love. I really enjoy my days off because watching my parents slogging it life-long, I often remind myself that we work to live, we don’t live to work. Of course enjoying work is good because it makes the grind that little bit easier but off-days are definitely the best kind of day :D Amongst other things I...
...discovered the most lusciously luxurious £10 Thornton’s Viennese Truffle Easter eggs on sale for £2. Spent a whole evening admiring the pretty packaging (look at it! it looks almost too pretty to disturb) but finally succumbed to the rich, delicious chocolate beyond...
…baked a cheesecake and trekked off to Edgware to see my adopted family (actually, they’ve adopted me) where it’s no doubt always met with delight (and devoured within errr, 30 seconds at most?)

…and rattled randomly around the London Underground from place to place. (Spent a lovely evening in the company of my best friend, consuming copious quantities of calories in the form of cheesy, oozy macaroni cheese and chocolate dessert pot, before watching Aladdin - though I think it’s safe to say we all fell asleep around half way through from having eaten too much.) I’m slightly ashamed of my slovenly ways at times, but honestly, chocolate really does taste as good as skinny feels KATE MOSS. Besides, you can always make up for the days of totally unabashed, abundant indulgence by being vaguely disciplined the other days.... right? Guess I got to count my blessings that I don’t gain weight (YET, my mum adds, hastily).
In all, a wonderful few days off. I’ve finally started embracing my freedom instead of resenting it - hell, I’ve been motivated enough to start studying for my September batch of exams now (I can see your eyes popping out, plug them back in now will you?!), start running again (though arguably I’m more Pheobe from Friends than Paula Radcliffe, but that’s not the point is it...) and search for a full-time job in the meanwhile. I’ve realised, finally, that living life isn’t something one should postpone until they have that little bit more money, or a little bit more time, or when they feel a little bit better. It’s about going out there and doing what you can with what you have, now. And I’m lucky, because I have the world’s greatest family, the planet’s warmest friends behind me. It’s been a long while that I’ve hidden behind excuses to avoid seeing people and breaking out of my little world - but not any more. I’m off for now, but more tomorrow. Have a great evening.
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