It's the end of another week ALREADY, gone from six weeks straight down to five until exams. Eek :/ It's been a great week though owing probably to the fact that I've spent it sleeping, socialising, shopping and…and well, not a lot else if I'm honest. Time really is whizzing on by. We've finally sorted through our photographs, separated the s*** from the special and whittled them down from...ooh, 500+ to around 300?! (still a lot, I know!). I think we're both really pleased with the collection though - it can be pretty tricky work capturing the mood, light and feel of the place you're in, in one single photograph. After all, you can't smell the fresh water of the lake or aroma of cooking pizzas in a photo. Nor can you hear the street violinists or the chitter chatter of dining families. But looking at some of the photos we have, it's safe to say we've captured some special moments; brought back a little bit of Italy and definitely a lifetime of memories with us.
What really hits you when you come back from holiday, I have to say, is reality. Like a ton of bricks. Holidays, really, are like pit-stops. You can spend them refuelling yourself, recharging, re-energising, revitalising (have I missed any 're' words there?) but when you come back, you have to pick up exactly where you left off (though with slightly more motivation, I hope). The same mountain of chores, the never-ending search for a job, the pressure of nearing exams…and the multitudinous problems, petty or otherwise, that niggle away at you in those few moments before you drift off to sleep. It just feels like there is ALWAYS something else you have to do. And I suppose that's why I am most looking forward to finishing university and getting out. Don't get me wrong, we all know that uni's a hell of a lot of fun. It's the last of the fun, you could say, before 'real life' begins. But it also means that there is always some reading to be done, exams approaching, an assignment to complete. Going out is always a toss up between being studious and dutiful and staying in to complete your assignment, or telling yourself you really need a night out and pushing the work to the farthest most corner of your mind - and feeling guilty and stressed at a later stage. It must be so nice to come home on a friday night, having switched off your computer at work, knowing that the entire weekend, every minute of it, is yours to indulge. You need not feel guilty that you're supposed to be doing something else. Am I wrong?
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

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