Wednesday, 9 November 2011

The Blues

I think I have post-holiday blues. It's dull, dreary and grey outside. I miss my mum. It's cold. I can't be bothered to do anything. It's grey. I'm awfully jet lagged still. Did I mention it's grey? Urghhhhh. I feel I've been working like a robot the past few months and I knew that the minute I stopped for a break, I wouldn't be able to pick myself up again. And it's official. I've lost my mojo. My will to do anything. I've done next to nothing the past few days and yet I feel SO tired. All I just want is to leg it out the country asap to a place with white sands, blue skies and golden sunsets. Someone remind me what we're actually doing in England puh-lease?!

I've got the last of my holiday photos for you today - I've been pouring over these endlessly in a desperate bid to cheer myself up, draw some energy from their vibrancy. Alas. These were taken in Vadodara, mum's home city, in the state of Gujarat, home to almost 1.6 million people. It's a gem of a city, extremely clean by India's standards, vibrant, bustling and beautiful.














  1. So beautiful! I like the family photo with the cheeky boy sticking out his tongue :)

    Hope you get some time to catch up on your rest!

  2. Hello from London miss Raj! I found your blog by chance and I love it. I went to Rajasthan a couple of years ago and I miss India. Keep the beautiful pictures coming. I am your latest follower!

  3. Oh, certainly one can understand how you feel after leaving your wonderful family and such a colorful environment only to go back to what, at times, feels like nothing but mechanics of living. I know, too, being so far from my own family....But there is always something lovely around us, something for which to be grateful ~ good health, a lovely spirit, and a good friend ~
    xox Alexandra

  4. wow lovely photos. Sorry your feeling so grey, hope you feel happier soon x

  5. Ah holiday blues are the worst, and leaving your family behind must be even worse :( x

  6. Wow, so many bracelets! Looks like a lot of fun! :)

    Thanks for sharing! I've just followed your blog and would love it if you could do the same:

    Angelica xoxo

  7. Ugh, I get that way in the winter. It's so depressing to not see sunshine for days on end. India would be a beautiful place to visit! I can see why you're sad to have left. Your photography is great too and you're BEAUTIFUL!

  8. ahhhh. cant tell you how much i love these pictures.



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