Saturday, 11 February 2012

Cold Nights, Cocktails, Cuddles & Cake



Sometimes, when things around us are changing too fast or too soon, there's solace in knowing that some things in life are constant; family, friends, the person you love - and I know I'm lucky because any time I'm facing upheaval, I have a lovely bunch of people on hand who see me through thick and thin. I'll be honest with you, I'm never more than a phone call away from a good cocktail, conversation, cuddle or slice of cake. What more, in the way of comfort, can a girl really ask for?

It's been a pretty good week, albeit a little long and tiring. A lot is changing around me too but I have 'reading week' (not sure it's even okay to call it that, not an awful lot of reading tends to go on) to look forward to now. No lectures, just time to catch up and chill out. And, judging by the pictures, to scout out new spots for fudge cake as well. Stay tuned. For now though, happy Saturday to you all, happy blog anniversary to me and a heartfelt thank you for sticking by me for a whole year. It means the world.


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