Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Review: A Good Day to Die Hard

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Almost everyone who's seen it says Bond 23 is the worst of the lot. Faiiiiiiir enough, it doesn't have the best plot in the world but don't I recall some breath-taking action and cinematography? The opening car chase had me stumped in a jiffy. Well, just when I thought that couldn't be topped, off I was whisked to watch the latest of the Die Hard franchise. Now. I'm 23 - exactly one year younger than Willis' first adventure - so it's a little before my time. Even so, I'm assured left right and centre (mum, dad, brother, I get your point!) it's well worth a watch. Once more though critics are saying this one's a complete let down on what Willis has previously accomplished. 

I quote - "For anyone who remembers the Die Hard adventures at their vital and exciting best, this film feels like a near-death experience."

Lucky then eh that I've got nothing to go on 'cause I was won over once more (starting to think I'm too easily pleased... I never write bad reviews?!). If you're looking for ground-breaking, reality-hitting, awareness-raising cinema, avoid. If you're looking for entertainment, many-a-sarcastic giggle and a bit of our old Bruce - what are you waiting for? 


1 comment:

  1. Die Hard has certainly never been shy about going bigger with its sequels, but this time around the series really does feel like a shadow of its former self, with problems that people may have had with the last film. Solid review Raj.



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