Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Do You Have a Boots Card?

So when I was summoned into work with less than 24 hours notice (phone call received at 10.27 am Monday, work commenced at some unearthly hour on Tuesday) on the basis that I had to "get a bit of training done", I hung on with dear life to that little word "bit". I mean, how long can a "bit" of training take? Some admin and health and safety and then maybe some till training…so I gave it four hours, five hours tops? Isn't that a reasonable interpretation of the noun "bit"? Apparently not. I didn't finish until gone 6pm yesterday, only to start again this morning at 6am. Juuuuuust when I thought the days of 5am wake-ups and 6am starts were well behind me, BAM came Boots with militaristic operations that run from 6am-10pm. This is RETAIL, who'd have thought eh? To be honest though, I can't complain. Being back in retail is like slipping into a really old pair of jeans. One that have had their wear, lost their charm, passed their heyday - but there's still no denying how well they fit. I'm comfortable in retail because its the same customer service role-play, smiling until your jaw drops off and repeating "Hello, how are you today?","Do you have a Boots card?", "Thank you very much, have a nice day!" over and over and over and over again. Mind-numbingly dull? Yes. But keeps the bank account filled up whilst I get through university? Yes again. It's almost half the work load that I was lumped with at the hotel, and much, much more money. So I'm really glad for the job. I just can't bank on making any friends because, let's face it, I'm a miserable cow in the morning with "talk to me at your peril" stamped all over my face. It takes at least two cups of tea to wean me out of psycho-b**** mode - so it's just as well really that I have a couple of hours before customers start coming in. Gotta count my blessings ey?


And here I am, two shifts and three hours of sleep later, a steaming pot of tea on my left and a bowl of home-made cheesy chips (by which I mean I melted the cheese :p didn't expect I was going to wash, peel, cut, and fry potatoes in this fragile state?!) to my right. I'm excited about starting university, even more excited about ordering some books pertaining to my course in a short while. Is my appetite for life back? I think it's safe to say yes.



  1. ah this made me laugh so much (just that your are funny not because you have to get up early and stuff!) x sandra

  2. i think its safe to say a bowl of cheesy chips can cure even the most psychotic moods :)

  3. @sandra - thank you :)
    @kimia - I think so too lol. Comfort food at it's absolute best (and fattest). Loved your post today xx



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