Friday, 12 August 2011

That Friday Feeling

It's come to the end of yet another week and it's probably fair to say it's been absolutely mental; a flurry of riots, rows and now reparation for the City of London, the scenes that have set our TV screens ablaze are some we'd never expected to see. For the people that have had their livelihoods ransacked, seen their homes and irreplaceable memories go up in flame or worse still, lost a family member, this week has probably cost them more than they'd ever bargained for. So here's sending good wishes and prayers their way, hoping they don't lose faith that there's more goodness in this world than bad.

On a personal level, I have little more to say than these two little words. Thank you. It's been a long week of hard work; interviews and chores, phone calls and anticipation. And when you put your heart and soul into something, that feeling of elation you get when it pays off is pretty hard to beat. I'm not going to beat round the bush - I'll be back tomorrow but for now, I'm off to begin my weekend.

It's too often that we're so busy running after what we don't have, we forget to appreciate everything we do. Happy Friday everyone.





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