When you're going through a tough time, I find one of the most humbling experiences is realising that practically everyone around you is going through something too. Though we're so diverse, essentially we all have the same hopes and dreams in life - the same feelings, reactions and aspirations. We all ride the same roller coaster, brave the same ups and downs and complete the same, timed, journey through life. When I first started writing here, I sort of hoped that I might be able to pen down something of relevance - a story, an anecdote, an experience that may be of use to others. It helps so much sometimes to know that you're not the first, the last or the only person who's been hurt. So today's message for a few very special girlfriends is that no matter how down and out you are, pick yourself up and carry on. It doesn't matter that you're not feeling at your best today, do it for the people that care about you. Somebody's missing your smile already. We've all been there; through the heart ache, the heart break and the absolute conviction that we'll never be the same again. But you will. And you'll be even better because you'll realise you're stronger than you ever knew. But just don’t give up for now.
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