Thursday, 19 January 2012

the effect

As I sat for one epic year in my glum iPhone-less state, I tried long and hard not to think of all the many wonderful, user-friendly, busy-life-organising, efficiency-facilitating functions, features and apps I was missing out on. I mean, what would have been the point in taunting, teasing and torturing myself unnecessarily? But there's one sneaky, cheeky little chap that, despite fighting nail and tooth to avoid, found me time and time again. If you spend much time in the blogosphere, reading random peoples' random rantings, you're more than likely to have come across an 'instagram'ed image.

But what is this Instagram, I hear you ask? Well, it’s a dreaded app that’s accessible to all those with an iPhone. But oh my is it worth while: a photo sharing network, the equivalent of a Twitter stream composed wholly of images. You simply upload a photo, choose a sufficiently retro filter from the ones automatically offered to you, and publish your photo to your Instagram feed. You can also choose to simultaneously publish to any or all of Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and email. What can I say, the Instagram bug has bitten. Expect massive overload of said edited images here.



  1. Hello there, I am that person still sat in a glum iphone less state and to stumble on articles like this... saving up!

    In the mean time, enjoy your new phone, hope it brings you much joy :)

  2. add me love

    Melina ♥



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