Friday, 16 September 2011

Friday Food, Family and Fun


So I'm really sorry for the random AWOL. I know I didn't give any warning; but to the lovely readers who've been leaving their footprints on my little corner of the cyberspace (that diligent little ticker on the right tells all), a heartfelt thank you to you all. I suppose the only explanation I have for myself is that "life happens" sometimes and I've found my hands fuller than I expected. With just one week of freedom left until uni begins and my hours at work are further bumped up (argh!) it's been a mad rush of setting affairs in order and getting my timetable organised. But boy have I have missed this little space, and I hope, once I actually sort myself out, to take out a little more time for our heart-to-hearts. Despite everything, I have another Orange Wednesday to share with you (didn't think I'd slipped up that much, did you?!) Albeit in the nick of time (and thanks to my lovely brother) I did manage to catch the last show of a little wonder called Colombiana - but more on that tomorrow. For now, I'm hoping to appease you with warm wishes for the weekend; here's to another two days filled with food, family, friends and fun. Happy Friday.



  1. Hi :D I gave you an award, if you'd like you can check out my blog for the rules:

  2. sweet picture. no worries that you has a random awol, we still love you!

    oo, like aurelia, i gave you an award too!! have a peek and see xo

  3. that is a really cute picture :)

    was the movie good?




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