Saturday, 10 September 2011

A Weekend in Heaven

Life’s so good right now I might as well have died and gone up to heaven because a weekend from heaven this is. Who’d have thought I’d utter such high praises for -

1) late-night movies on a Friday - I finally found the time to watch The Hangover following, I think, an all time record of two years procrastinating. And to no avail too because I actually rather like Bradley Cooper (come on, who doesn’t?!). So those of you who were on my case (you KNOW who you are!) can shhhh now. I liked the movie but for all the hype around it, I was a little disappointed. People warned me that it would be the funniest film I’d ever seen - but I think I only LOLed when Mike Tyson turned up. Entertaining? Yes. Amusing? Yes. Ridiculous? Yes. But crack me up hilarious..? No. I actually found Bridesmaids, dubbed the ‘girly version’ of The Hangover, a helluva lot funnier. So my theory is that that guys find the hangover funnier than girls? Dya think?

2) a lazy lie in on a Saturday - truthfully, the first time I’ve woken up later than 6am in around 3 weeks (DAMN YOU body clock).

3)...and then a day of shopping - I’m not really one for retail therapy, but when it gets to about two years since you last bought yourself a piece of cloth, I think a shopping date is pretty well justified (don’t judge me if I tell you that I actually spent half an hour mulling around the M&S food hall, choosing which cake to bring home). I bought myself my first pair of heels EVER too - and as though that wasn’t enough reason to celebrate? Following 20% promotional discount and the discovery of £50 worth of John Lewis Vouchers knocking around in my purse since Christmas, I paid £10 for a £75 pair of shoes. Score.

So, now we know - this is what 5 days of 5am starts does to you. Whoever said life’s about enjoying the little things said it right - it’s so important sometimes to just open your eyes and look around at what you have got, not what you haven’t. I’ll be back tomorrow with some more but until then, be good, make the most of your weekend, spend time with the people you love and never forget to smile. G’nite.



  1. haha i like how you talk about the films!! yes i agreed- hangover is good but not crack up hilarious style...

    sounds like a great weekend raj :)

    i have had my perfect saturday- peek at my latest posts xox

  2. when i saw the movie i was a little
    disappointing myself .. i though it was going
    to be better .. too much like the first one
    very predictable!

    :) shopping always makes everything better!

    follow me

  3. Hey girl! I thought I was the only one who hadn't seen the Hangover. So don't feel bad. I have to get around to watching it, because my friends hyped it up so much. From the clips I've seen, I wasn't falling over with laughter either. I'm really going to enjoy reading your blog, because I've slept in almost all weekend also and I am LOVING the shoes you purchased. Animal print and patent! What a FAB COMBINATION! Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Great post!

    SassyUptownChic xoxo Kim

  4. @ sassychic - thanks for your lovely comments! Thats what i thought too, those shoes were just tooooooo good to resist lol! I hope you're having a fantabulous weekend yourself, no better way to spend it than sleeping in I reckon! :)

  5. I need a pair of shoes like that



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