Sunday, 18 September 2011

Good Weekend?


Hello hello hello, good weekend everybody? It's been another blink of the eye for me, but, upon closer inspection, I'm most definitely a good few quid poorer (I take the Nando's loyalty card to another level), probably many kilos heavier, I've caught up on my sleep debt and actually watched the football with my brother. Good weekend? I think so. I know I still owe you that review, I'm working on it believe you me, so stay tuned.

I'm literally buzzing for some reason; bouncing off the walls - it's been a long time since I felt so good but I'm brimming to the point of overflowing with positivity. I'm already excited about Christmas (it's September, I KNOW!) and even more so about starting uni next week. Once again, I'd like to give a big shout out to readers & followers alike; your every comment, compliment and criticism is appreciated. I have to say I'd sort of expected my near and dears to read my ramblings (sorry guys, not that I'm taking you for granted or anything ;) ) but to receive praise from complete strangers floors me. I know I'm breaking the rules here, but I'm bursting to boast about the three lovely readers who've left me with "blog awards"; you have quite literally made my weekend! I promise to be back with a proper post on this too (hey, I do keep my promises, albeit with a lengthy time lag) but until then - just a very big thank you.

Warm wishes for the week ahead xx

Photobucket Photobucket


  1. my pleasure :) oo that quote board is of Marilyn Monroe!! I am quite obsessed with her so i know all her sayings by heart.! :) xo

  2. I love your inspirational quote photos! And you definitely deserve a Sunshine award as your blog always seems positive. Congrats!


  3. Congratulations! I enjoy reading your blog. :)

    SassyUptownChic xoxo Kim

  4. "imperfection is beauty" it.



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