Wednesday 3 August 2011

Some Frazzled Thoughts

My, oh my is it hot out there today or WHAT - I stepped out at 2.30 and I don't joke when I say I fried, and then frazzled. Surely a heat of this intensity warrants an afternoon siesta and late night ice-cream? I mean it's lovely and everything, perfect for a bit of lazing by the pool with a cocktail or laying in a hammock with a book. Even better for sitting at an outdoor cafe with good friends, an iced tea and effortless conversation, no? But it just seems… well, heinous to have to work in it! We should all close shop and take a nice nap. It's too hot to be working/stuck indoors/thinking/doing anything! (*Flashback images of Indian labourers and street-vendors working in 45 degrees* … yerrrr, maybe I should shut up.)

I hope whatever you have been up to, you've been having some fun. Unfortunately it's been job-searching and a little bit of (involuntary) gallivanting around town for me. I seem to be spending a lot of time these days thinking and planning, wondering and… well, trying to figure out my next move. It feels like I'm on the cusp of something - y'know the calm before a storm? I've known for a long time that there are things in my life that must change for good - and it seems that might finally happen. Am I chatting rubbish? I think so. Must be the heat. I think I need a cup of tea. Catch you tomorrow.




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